Spiritual Awakening


The 7 Principles Of MAAT: Truth, Justice, Righteousness, Order, Balance, Harmony, Reciprocity


Welcome to Breaking chains where yokes are broken and captives are set free. Where understanding is the sight wherewith the blinded see.Where the doors of bondage are opened wide, to free the minds of those held inside. Where the gates of captivity are torn down. Where knowledge is King and Wisdom profound. Where the mind expands and comprehends with ease, that love is the cure to every disease.

This Ministry is devoted to the awakening of one's conscious awareness. To bring one to the realization of certain truths and facts in order to recognize and identify the plans, plots, schemes and stratagems that have been conspired through information, doctrines and teachings that have been used to influence one's thinking and behavior through social interactions and plans used as an "affect theory" to form a basis for a theory of the development of social action and reactions to impact and acquire an effective and desired outcome, which has been induced and indoctrinated upon the mind and intellect through manipulation.

This ministry is inspired to remove all idealistic, philosophical, psychological thoughts, views or opinions that have been instilled in one's minds based on false teachings, faulty or wrongful thinking or impressions. To help regain insight and acquire a new mindset through cognitive understanding and perception of the truth! Breaking Chains Founder; Minister: K Jones

- One More River To Cross-

Brothers and Sisters, after careful consideration and detailed analytical examination. My advice to you first and foremost is to be encouraged and to walk worthy of the calling where with you have been called. For we have one more river to cross. For we must cross over to Jordan the promise land. We have to stop the injustices of those who exploit us, we must prevail, rise up and overcome the oppression of our oppressors, who aims to undermine nature and our natural human right to life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness.

We must not allow our freedom to be changed to a disposition of servitude, or allow ourselves to be transformed from an established and authentic people into a unsettled and disregarded nation. We are not the People from whom the chains of slavery fell a century ago, most assuredly not. We are now qualified as being equal, and should be treated as such!

Today's echo of Jim Crow of America say that they rule this country, but this is an expression without a thought, the ole southern voice that made the peoples jump and run to their houses like rats to their holes, is told to shut up! For the people of today are not the same as people were two hundred years ago. We oppose those, who oppose and deter from justice and abhor righteousness. So let us come together and fellowship in unity, and bond in peace. Let us be of one accord and one mind.

As ,brothers, sisters, as family and fellow members of "Breaking Chains- At Law- Ministry". Let us stay focused on our objectives and remember that we have been called to break the chains of captivity and bondage, of deception and preconceived idealistic misconception of fallacious and fabricated realities of the truth, which have been intentionally induced and impregnated in our minds and indoctrinated upon our intellect.

Having been mislead and deceived through manipulation set up with the intent and purpose of exploitation and diabolical regulation of the mind and intellect, in order to outwit and achieve the means of control and the power to exercise authority to arrive at a certain end. But now! Having awaken , out of that sleep and unconscious state, Let us re-examine and re-evaluate our ideals, principles, morals and social values, our beliefs and the truths that we hold to be a reality.

Let us walk upright as men and women, as human beings of understanding, using discretion and discernment, exercising and exhorting knowledge and wisdom, but eluding and excoriating all forms of former fictitious doctrines, teaching and feigned realities. Let us not give into unhealthy and distorted thinking and behavior.

And let us avoid those whose walk is not according to the wisdom of the truth, whose evil intent it is to dim your ever shining brighter light, which illuminates the realm of darkness which they are in. They approach it to challenge its truth and foundation, in some estranged hope? Only to discover that darkness can not contain light without losing it's self and that kindness should not be misconceived as weakness.

Again let us walk in maturity. Let us walk upright. Let us not indulge in useless, and unproductive conversations, discussions, profanity or vulgar expressions. Having rejected and put aside vengeance, bitterness, malice and hate. Let us be examples of what is good, and a blessing to those who hear our good conversation and take notice of our good conduct, having undressed ourselves of false pride, let dignity and integrity remain.

Being clothed with humility, let us be kind towards one another walking in truth and in love, for only love can conquer hate. Let us be found worthy of honor before our Creator and men.

Avant Garde.  K J/ AKA Wisdom "Do The Walk


We've Been Deceived Even Unto the root Words. We Have Been Afflicted With Multiple-Personality Syndrome.
Who Shall Go Inside Our Cerebellum And Heal Us From The Demons Inside Our Head?  The Word Is God And God Is Supreme Wisdom.
Become Educated As To Whats Going On With You And Around You. Find Out Who You Are, And It Will Change Everything. If You Don't Know Where You Come from You Don't Know Where You Are Going.

Black History Week

Many Americans are still void of historical knowledge particularly African Americans of their ownership to lands right here in the U.S./One of the saddest aspects of enslavement in the Americas, particularly North America, is the fact that certain forms of education was denied them and still is today. Blacks were forced to remain ignorant and told they have no history or culture. 
 Blacks owned about one million square miles of land in the Louisiana Territories and the South Eastern/Florida region, as well as California. In all these areas of the U.S., there were Black African-American nations before Columbus, who were targeted for enslavement due to the Papal Edict that gave the Christian nations of Europe the go-ahead to make slaves of all descendants of Ham found in the newly discovered lands This fact cannot be denied. The essay on Black Civilizations of Ancient America, published as the great book; Susu Economics the History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth, tells a reality of this.
AD 1493: The Pope asserts rights to colonize, convert, and enslave Pope Alexander VI issues a papal bull or decree, “Inter Caetera," in which he authorizes Spain and Portugal to colonize the Americas and its Native peoples as subjects. The decree asserts the rights of Spain and Portugal to colonize, convert, and enslave. It also justifies the enslavement of Africans.
“... Out of our own sole largess and certain knowledge and out of the fullness of our apostolic power, by the authority of Almighty God conferred upon us in blessed Peter and of the vicarship of Jesus Christ, which we hold on earth, do by tenor of these presents, should any of said islands have been found by your envoys and captains, give, grant, and assign to you and your heirs and successors, kings of Castile and Leon, forever, together with all their dominions, cities, camps, places, and villages, and all rights, jurisdictions, and appurtenances, all islands and mainlands found and to be found, discovered and to be discovered towards the west and south, by drawing and establishing a line from the Arctic pole, namely the north, to the Antarctic pole, namely the south, no matter whether the said mainlands and islands are found and to be found in the direction of India or towards any other quarter, the said line to be distant one hundred leagues towards the west and south from any of the islands commonly known as the Azores and Cape Verde. With this proviso however that none of the islands and mainlands, found and to be found, discovered and to be discovered, beyond that said line towards the west and south, be in the actual possession of any Christian king or prince up to the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ just past from which the present year one thousand four hundred ninety-three begins. And we make, appoint, and depute you and your said heirs and successors lords of them with full and free power, authority, and jurisdiction of every kind…” —Pope Alexander VI, “Inter Caetera"
While many of Africans’ ancestors were kidnapped in Africa, many were Africans who came from West Africa, had a number of kingdoms and empires in the Southern parts of the U.S., and who were captured, had their lands taken and their persons sold into slavery. These Africans were direct black ancestors and they had a continuing connection with West Africa which included trade and commerce on the very eve of the invasion of the Europeans to the Americas.
Free Your Mind And Unravel The +Truth And It Will Set You Free
He Who Circumscribes Your Circumference Determines Your Thinking...
The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. Built around 2560 BC, show evidence that the design of the pyramid embody these foundations of mathematics and geometry. The Pythagorean Theorem – Credited by tradition to mathematician Pythagoras (about 570 – 495 BC), which can be expressed as a² + b² = c².
“If you can control a man's thinking you do not have to worry about his action. When you determine what a man shall think you do not have to concern yourself about what he will do. If you make a man feel that he is inferior, you do not have to compel him to accept an inferior status, for he will seek it himself. If you make a man think that he is justly an outcast, you do not have to order him to the back door. He will go without being told; and if there is no back door, his very nature will demand one.”
Carter G. Woodson, The Mis-Education of the Negro
“History shows that it does not matter who is in power or what revolutionary forces take over the government, those who have not learned to do for themselves and have to depend solely on others never obtain any more rights or privileges in the end than they had in the beginning.” ― Carter G. Woodson, The Mis-Education of the Negro


Blacks owned about one million square miles of land in the Louisiana Territories and the South Eastern/Florida region, as well as California. In all these areas of the U.S., there were Black African-American nations before Columbus, who were targeted for enslavement due to the Papal Edict that gave the Christian nations of Europe the go-ahead to make slaves of all descendants of Ham found in the newly discovered lands This fact cannot be denied. The essay on Black Civilizations of Ancient America, published as the great book; Susu Economics the History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth, tells a reality of this.


“Philosophers have long conceded, however, that every man has two educators: 'that which is given to him, and the other that which he gives himself. Of the two kinds the latter is by far the more desirable. Indeed all that is most worthy in man he must work out and conquer for himself. It is that which constitutes our real and best nourishment. What we are merely taught seldom nourishes the mind like that which we teach ourselves.”
Carter G. Woodson, The Mis-Education of the Negro
 While many of Africans’ ancestors were kidnapped in Africa, many were Africans who came from West Africa, had a number of kingdoms and empires in the Southern parts of the U.S., and who were captured, had their lands taken and their persons sold into slavery. These Africans were direct black ancestors and they had a continuing connection with West Africa which included trade and commerce on the very eve of the invasion of the Europeans to the Americas. 
Who Walks On Four Legs In The Morning, Keeps Going On Two In The  Afternoon, And Finishes On Three, In The Evening, And At Night Has None ?
The answer? As a baby, a human goes about on all fours ("four legs in the morning"; morning = childhood), until he learns to walk, which he does so well into adulthood ("two legs in the afternoon"; afternoon = adulthood), until old age requires him to use a cane to support himself ("three legs in the evening", evening = old age), finally he dies ("no legs at night", night = death). So the answer is "a man and his destiny".
In retrospect, while the debate for reparations increases, it is important that African-Americans know that two great injustices were committed by the Europeans. The first was slavery, the second was the taking of Black lands and destroying Black history and culture so Blacks remain totally ignorant of their rights to more than one third of north America. NOW YOU KNOW WHY THE SLAVEMASTERS DID NOT WANT BLACK FOLK TO LEARN TO READ, AND WHY PLANTS ARE PLACED IN CHATROOMS AND ON FORUMS TO ATTEMPT TO DISCREDIT ANY USEFUL HISTORY AND INFORMATION OFFERED TO BLACK PEOPLE.

The Washitaw Moors
pre-columbian black presence in the western hemisphere
On Monday [October 13 2014], America’s government offices, businesses, and banks all grind to a halt in order to commemorate Columbus Day. In schools up and down the country, little children are taught that a heroic Italian explorer discovered America, and various events and parades are held to celebrate the occasion. It has now become common knowledge amongst academics that Christopher Columbus clearly did not discover America, not least because is it impossible to discover a people and a continent that was already there and thriving with culture.
One can only wonder how Columbus could have discovered America when people were watching him from America’s shores? Contrary to popular belief, African American history did not start with slavery in the New World. An overwhelming body of new evidence is emerging which proves that Africans had frequently sailed across the Atlantic to the Americas, thousands of years before Columbus and indeed before Christ.
The great ancient civilizations of Egypt and West Africa traveled to the Americas, contributing immensely to early American civilization by importing the art of pyramid building, political systems and religious practices as well as mathematics, writing and a sophisticated calendar. 
The strongest evidence of African presence in America before Columbus comes from the pen of Columbus himself. In 1920, a renowned American historian and linguist, Leo Weiner of Harvard University, in his book, Africa and the discovery of America, explained how Columbus noted in his journal that Native Americans had confirmed that “black skinned people had come from the south-east in boats, trading in gold-tipped spears.” 
 One of the first documented instances of Africans sailing and settling in the Americas were black Egyptians led by King Ramses III, during the 19th dynasty in 1292 BC.
In fact, in 445 BC, the Greek historian Herodotus wrote of the Ancient Egyptian pharaohs’ great seafaring and navigational skills. Further concrete evidence, noted by Dr. Imhotep and largely ignored by Euro-centric archaeologists, includes “Egyptian artifacts found across North America from the Algonquin writings on the East Coast to the artifacts and Egyptian place names in the Grand Canyon.”
In 1311 AD, another major wave of African exploration to the New World was led by King Abubakari II, the ruler of the fourteenth century Mali Empire, which was larger than the Holy Roman Empire. The king sent out 200 ships of men, and 200 ships of trade material, crops, animals, cloth and crucially African knowledge of astronomy, religion and the arts. antic waters in primitive boats may seem unlikely, or perhaps, far fetched to some.
After all, history will tell you that seafaring is the quintessential European achievement, the single endeavor of which Europeans are awfully proud. Seafaring allowed Europe to conquer the world. The notion that black Africans braved the roaring waters of the Atlantic Ocean and beat Europeans to the New World threatens a historically white sense of ownership over the seas.
When most people think about ancient Mexico, the first civilizations that come to mind are the Incas, Aztecs and the Maya. However, during the early 1940’s archeologists uncovered a civilization known as the Olmecs of 1200 BC, which pre-dated any other advanced civilization in the Americas.
The Olmec civilization, which was of African origin and dominated by Africans, was the first significant civilization in Mesoamerica and the Mother Culture of Mexico. Olmecs are exico and Central America], rest ultimately on an Olmec base,” once remarked Michael Coe, a leading historian on Mexico.
Africans clearly played an intricate role in the Olmec Empire’s rise and that African influence peaked during the same period that ancient Black Egyptian culture ascended in Africa. A clear indicator of pre-Columbus African trans-Atlantic travel is the recent archeological findings of narcotics native to America in Ancient Egyptian mummies, which have astounded contemporary historians. German toxicologist, Svetla Balabanova, reported findings of cocaine and nicotine in ancient Egyptian mummies.
These substances are known to only be derived from American plants. South American cocaine from Erythroxylon coca and nicotine from Nicotiana tabacum. Such compounds could only have been introduced to Ancient Egyptian culture through trade with Americans. Similarities across early American and African religions also indicate signif-icant cross-cultural contact.
The Mayans, Aztecs and Incas all worshipped black gods and the surviving portraits of the black deities are reveal-ing. For instance, ancient portraits of the Quetzalcoatl, a messiah serpent god, and Ek-ahua, the god of war, are un-questionably Negro with dark skin and wooly hair. Why would native Americans venerate images so unmistakably African if they had never seen them before?
Numerous wall paintings in caves in Juxtlahuaca depict the famous ancient Egyptian “opening of the mouth” and cross libation rituals. All these religious similarities are too large and occur far too often to be mere coincidences. Professor Everett Borders notes another very important indication of African presence, which is the nature of early American pyramids. Pyramid construction is highly specialized.
Ancient Egypt progressed from the original stepped pyramid of Djosser, to the more sophisticated finished product at Giza. However, at La Venta in Mexico, the Olmecs made a fully finished pyramid, with no signs of progressive learning. Olmecian and Egyptian pyramids were both placed on the same north-south axis and had strikingly similar construction methods. Tellingly, all of these pyramids also served the same dual purpose, tomb and temple.
Ancient trans-Atlantic similarities in botany, religion and pyramid building constitute but a fraction of the signs of African influence in ancient America. Other indicators include, astronomy, art, writing systems, flora and fauna. Historically, the African people have been exceptional explorers and purveyors of culture across the world. Through-out all of these travels, African explorers have not had a history of starting devastating wars on the people they met.
The greatest threat towards Africa having a glorious future is her people’s ignorance of Africa’s glorious past. Pre-Columbus civilization in the Americas had its foundation built by Africans and developed by the ingenuity of Native Americans. Sadly, America, in post-Columbus times, was founded on the genocide of the indigenous Americans, built on the backs of African slaves and continues to run on the exploitation of workers at home and abroad.
Clearly, Africans helped civilize America well before Europeans “discovered” America, and well before Europeans claim to have civilized Africa. The growing body of evidence is now becoming simply too loud to ignore. It’s about time education policy makers reexamine their school curriculums to adjust for America’s long pre-Columbus history.
He who circumscribe your circumference, determines the diameter of your thinking”
you are only an ex-felon if you chose to continue to answer to it by name. Once you have served your time and is no longer on any form of supervision, you are considered a free citizen and should be called and treated as such. I was deeply moved after hearing and reading Attorney General, Eric Holder’s position concerning voter’s rights for ex-felons. Tuesday, Holder called on a group of states to restore voting rights to ex-felons. Holder views this as a way to fix the flaws which he sees are in the criminal justice system.
At a criminal justice reform event hosted by The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights at the George-town University Law Center, Holder stated, “By perpetuating the stigma and isolation imposed on formerly incar-cerated individuals, these laws increase the likelihood they will commit future crimes”. Holder further stated, “They undermine the reentry process and defy the principles of accountability and rehabilitation that guide our criminal justice policies”. As I previously stated, I was deeply moved by Holder’s position on this issue. This is a battle that has been going on far too long without being address in the manner it should. 
We have a large number of citizens who are unable to vote as a result of a felony conviction, which has been branded on their record. Sadly enough, many of these individuals have served their time, and are no longer under any form of supervision, have landed life changing careers’ and are very successful. “Well, if that is the case, what is the prob-lem”? The problem is not having a voice.
If one is unable to vote then one is unable to have a voice in the laws and policies which govern over them. Not hav-ing a voice is far less than a runaway slave. I for one am a firm believer that those whoever circumscribe your cir-cumference, determines the diameter of your thinking. A total of eleven states restrict voting rights after a person has been release from prison and is no longer on any form of probation or parole. The question is, “how can this ap-proached help anyone returning back into society sincerely seeking a fresh start”? My state, Florida is one of the eleven states that will not allow one to vote who has a felony conviction. However; Holder, did mention that a recent study in Florida showed that felons in Florida who were granted the right to vote again had a lower recidivism rate. This law affects a large of African Americans, mainly African American men.
 The Great Pyramid of Giza embodies Golden Ratio proportions.
A pyramid based on Phi varies by only 0.025% from the Great Pyramid’s estimated dimensions
Phi is the only number which has the mathematical property of its square being one more than itself: Φ + 1 = Φ² or 1.618… + 1 = 2.618…
A pyramid based on Pi varies by only 0.1% from the Great Pyramid’s estimated dimensions.
Its near perfect alignment to due north shows that little was left to chance. One thing that is clear is that the dimen-sions and geometries were, did not happen by chance. Would a civilization with the technological skill and knowledge to align the pyramid to within 1/15th of a degree to true north leave the dimensions of the pyramid to chance? If they did not intend the geometry that resulted in a rather precise angle like 51.83 degrees, why would they have not used another simpler angle found in divisions of a circle such as 30, 45, 54 or 60 degrees? Only one other Egyptian pyramid used this geometry or angle of incline, the Meidum pyramid, and it’s a step pyramid with three tiers. The fact is that the method that was used in its design, the end result represents the geometry of a phi-based triangle with a high degree of accuracy.
Phythagoras In Egypt
There were, among his teachers, three philosophers who were to influence Pythagoras while he was a young man. One of the most important was Pherekydes who many describe as the teacher of Pythagoras.
The other two philosophers who were to influence Pythagoras, and to introduce him to mathematical ideas, were Thales and his pupil Anaximander who both lived on Miletus. In [8] it is said that Pythagoras visited Thales in Mile-tus when he was between 18 and 20 years old. By this time Thales was an old man and, although he created a strong impression on Pythagoras, he probably did not teach him a great deal. However he did contribute to Pythag-oras's interest in mathematics and astronomy, and advised him to travel to Egypt to learn more of these subjects. Thales's pupil, Anaximander, lectured on Miletus and Pythagoras attended these lectures. Anaximander certainly was inter-ested in geometry and cosmology and many of his ideas would influence Pythagoras's own views.
In about 535 BC Pythagoras went to Egypt. This happened a few years after the tyrant Polycrates seized control of the city of Samos. There is some evidence to suggest that Pythagoras and Polycrates were friendly at first and it is claimed [5] that Pythagoras went to Egypt with a letter of introduction written by Polycrates.
In fact Polycrates had an alliance with Egypt and there were therefore strong links between Samos and Egypt at this time. The accounts of Pythagoras's time in Egypt suggest that he visited many of the temples and took part in many discussions with the priests. According to Porphyry ([12] and [13]) Pythagoras was refused admission to all the temples except the one at Diospolis where he was accepted into the priesthood after completing the rites necessary for admission.
It is not difficult to relate many of Pythagoras's beliefs, ones he would later impose on the society that he set up in Italy, to the customs that he came across in Egypt. For example the secrecy of the Egyptian priests, their refusal to eat beans, their refusal to wear even cloths made from animal skins, and their striving for purity were all customs that Pythagoras would later adopt. Porphyry in [12] and [13] says that Pythagoras learnt geometry from the Egyptians but it is likely that he was already acquainted with geometry, certainly after teachings from Thales and Anaximander.
There is another interesting aspect of this pyramid. Construct a circle with a circumference of 8, the same as the perimeter of this pyramid with its base width of 2. Then fold the arc of the semi-circle at a right angle, as illustrated below in “Revelation of the Pyramids”. The height of the semi-circle will be the radius of the circle, which is 8/pi/2 or 1.273.This is only 1/10th of a percent different than the height of 1.272 computed above using the Golden Triangle. Applying this to the 146.5 meter height of the pyramid would result in a difference in height between the two methods of only 0.14 meters (5.5 inches).
A. Immigration restrictions against the Greeks are removed and Egypt is thrown open to Greek research. Owing to the practice of piracy, in which the Ionians and Carians were active, the Egyptians were forced to make immigration laws restricting the immigration of the Greeks and punishing their infringement by capital punishment, i.e., the sac-rifice of the victim. Before the time of Psammitichus, the Greeks were not allowed to go beyond the coast of Low-er Egypt, but during his reign and that of Amasis, those conditions were modified. For the first time in Egyptian his-tory Ionians and Carians were employed as Mercenaries in the Egyptian Army (670 B.C.), interpretation was organ-ized through a body of interpreters, and the Greeks began to gain useful information concerning the culture of the Egyptians. In addition to these changes, King Amasis removed the restrictions against the Greeks and permitted them to enter Egypt and settle in Naucratis. About this same time, i.e., the reign of Amasis, the Persians, through Cambyses invaded Egypt, and the whole country was thrown open to the researches of the Greeks. B. The Genesis of Greek Enlightenment.
The Persian invasion, did not only provide the Greeks with ample research, but stimulated the creation of prose his-tory in Ionia. Heretofore, the Greeks had little or no accurate knowledge of Egyptian culture: but their contact with Egypt resulted in the genesis of their enlightenment. (Ovid Fasti III 338; Herodotus Bk. II p. 113; Plutarch p. 380; Era-tosthenes ap Strabo 801–802; Diogenes Bk. IX 49). p. 42 C. Students from Ionia and the Islands of the Aegean visit Egypt for their Education. Just as in our modern times, countries like the United States, England, and France are at-tracting students from all parts of the world, on account of their leadership in culture; so was it in ancient times, Egypt was supreme in the leadership of civilization, and students from all parts, flocked to that land, seeking admission into her mysteries or wisdom system.
Like every aspirant, he had to secure the consent and favour of the Priests, and we are informed by Diogenes that a friendship existed between Polycrates of Samos and Amasis King of Egypt, that Polycrates gave Pythagoras letters of introduction to the King, who secured for him an introduction to the Priests; first to the Priest of Heliopolis, then to the Priest of Memphis, and lastly to the Priests of Thebes, to each of whom Pythagoras gave a silver goblet. (Herod-otus Bk. III 124; Diogenes VIII 3; Pliny N. H., 36, 9; Antipho recorded by Porphyry).
Like every aspirant, he had to secure the consent and favour of the Priests, and we are informed by Diogenes that a friendship existed between Polycrates of Samos and Amasis King of Egypt, that Polycrates gave Pythagoras letters of introduction to the King, who secured for him an introduction to the Priests; first to the Priest of Heliopolis, then to the Priest of Memphis, and lastly to the Priests of Thebes, to each of whom Pythagoras gave a silver goblet. (Herodo-tus Bk. III 124; Diogenes VIII 3; Pliny N. H., 36, 9; Antipho recorded by Porphyry).
We are also further informed through Herodotus, Jablonsk and Pliny, that after severe trials, including circumcision, had been imposed upon him by the Egyptian Priests, he was finally initiated into all their secrets. That he learnt the doctrine of metempsychosis; of which there was no trace before in the Greek religion; that his knowledge of medicine and strict system of dietetic rules, distinguished him as a product of Egypt, where medicine had attained its highest perfection; and that his attainments in geometry corresponded with the ascertained fact that Egypt was the birth place of that Science.
In addition we have the statements of Plutarch, Demetrius and Antisthenes that Pythagoras founded the Science of Mathematics among the Greeks, and that he sacrificed to the Muses, when the Priests explained to him the proper-ties of the right angled triangle. (Philarch de Repugn. Stoic 2 p. 1089; Demetrius; Antisthenes; Cicero de Natura Deo-rum III, 36). Pythagoras was also trained in music by the Egyptian priests. (Kendrick's Hist. of Ancient Egypt vol. I. p. 234). (3) According to Diogenes Laertius and Herodotus, Democritus is said to have been born about 400 B.C. and to p. 44 have been a native of Abdera in Miletus.
The fact that history fails to supply a fuller account of this type of immigration, might be due to some or all of the following reasons: (a) The immigration laws against the Greeks up to the time of King Amasis and the Persian Invas-ion, (b) Prose p. 45 history was undeveloped among the Greeks during the period of their educational immigration to Egypt. (c) The Greek authorities persecuted and drove students of philosophy into hiding and consequently, (d) Stud-ents of the Mystery System concealed their movements. Let us remember that Anaxagoras was indicted and impris-oned; that he escaped and fled to his home in Ionia, that Socrates was indicted, imprisoned and condemned to death; and that both Plato and Aristotle fled from Athens under great suspicion (William Turner's Hist. of Phil. p. 62; Plato's Phaedo; Zeller's Hist. of Phil. p. 84; 127; Roger's Hist. of Phil. p. 76; William Turner's Hist. of Phil. p. 126). 2. The Effects of the Conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great. A. The Royal Library and Museum together with Temples and other Libraries are Looted. As elsewhere mentioned, it was an ancient custom of invading armies to loot libraries and temples in order to capture books and manuscripts, which were regarded as great treasures.
A few instances would be enough to verify this custom: (a) we are informed that during the Persian Invasion begin-ning with Cambyses, the temples of Egypt were not only stripped of their gold and silver, but rifled for their ancient records. Every Egyptian Temple carried a secret library with secret manuscripts and books. (b) We are also informed that when Athens was captured by the Romans in 84 B.C. the library of books said to have belonged to Aristotle was also captured and taken to Rome. (William Turner's Hist. of Phil. p. 128; John Kendrick's Ancient Egypt vol. II p. 432). 
Just as in the invasion of Egypt by the Persians, the invading armies stripped the temples of their gold, silver and sacred books; and just as in the capture of Athens by the Romans Sulla carried off the only library of books which he found; so it is to be expected of Alexander the Great, in his invasion of Egypt. One of the first things that he and his companions p. 46 and armies would do, would be to search for the treasures of the land and capture them. These were kept in temples and libraries and consisted of gold and silver out of which the gods and ceremonial vessels were made, and sacred books and, manuscripts kept both in libraries and in the "Holy of Holies" of Temples.
It is my firm belief that this indeed was the great opportunity which Alexander gave Aristotle and enabled him and his pupils to carry off as many books as they wanted from the Royal Library and to convert it into a research centre. Apart from the Royal Library at Alexandria, there was also another famous library near by: The "Royal Library of Thebes"; "The Menephtheion", which was founded by Pharaoh, Setei.
The Menephtheion was completed by Rameses II; but little occurs in history about this greatest of Egyptian Royal Li-braries. However, any invading army would first loot the Royal Library of Alexandria and then would turn their at-tention to the Menephtheion at Thebes. They would also visit the cities of Memphis and Heliopolis and likewise lo-ot their libraries and temples. This was the ancient custom and certainly one of the ways in which the Greeks re-ceived their education from Egyptians. (Egyptian Mythology by Max Muller p. 187–189; 205; Diodorus 16, 51; Bunsen I p. 27; Ancient Egypt by John Kendrick vol. II 56; 432–433).
It is therefore an erroneous belief that the Greeks, on Egyptian soil, and through their own native ability, set up a great university at Alexandria and turned out great scholars. On the other hand, since it is a well known fact that Egypt was the land of temples and libraries, we can see how comparatively easy it was for the Greeks to strip other Egyptian libraries of their books in order to maintain the new Library at Alexandria, after it had been already looted by Aristotle and his pupils.
The Greeks (i.e., Alexander the Great, Aristotle's school and the succeeding Ptolemies) converted the Royal Library of Alexandria into a research centre, by transferring p. 47 [paragraph continues] Aristotle's school and pupils from Ath-ens to this great Egyptian Library, and therefore the students who studied there received instructions from Egypt-ian priests and teachers, until they died out.
The difficulty of language and interpretation made it imperative for the Greeks to use Egyptian teachers. The Greeks did not carry culture and learning to Egypt, but found it already there, and wisely settled in that country, in order to absorb as much as possible of its culture. B. The Royal Library of Thebes: The Menephtheion is described.
It was also looted by invading armies. But when we read a brief sketch of the magnificence of the Theban Royal Li-brary; The Menephtheion, we even see a better picture and are bound to admit that Egypt was the store house of ancient culture and that that culture was preserved in the form of literature stored away in her great libraries and temples.
 Great as the Royal Library of Alexandria might have been, we see in the Theban Royal Library something far more magnificent and far more representative of the true greatness of our Ancient Egypt. On the left of the steps leading to the second court, there is still seen the pedestal of the enormous granite statue of Rameses; the largest, that ever existed in Egypt, according to Diodorus. Its height has been calculated at fifty-four feet, and its weight, at 887¼ tons; a marvel to the modern mind.
The interior face of the wall of the pylon represents the wars of Rameses III. The Osiride pillars of the second court, are the monolithal figures, sixteen cubits in height, supplying the place of columns, and at the foot of the steps lead-ing from the court to the next hall beyond, there were two sitting statues of the King. The head of one of these was of red granite, known by the name of "Young Memon", was taken away by Belzoni, and is now a principal ornament of the British Museum. Beyond this are the remains of a hall 133 feet broad by 100 feet long, supported by 48 columns, twelve of which are p. 48 thirty-two feet in height and 21 feet in circumference.
The interior face of the wall of the pylon represents the wars of Rameses III. The Osiride pillars of the second court, are the monolithal figures, sixteen cubits in height, supplying the place of columns, and at the foot of the steps lead-ing from the court to the next hall beyond, there were two sitting statues of the King. The head of one of these was of red granite, known by the name of "Young Memon", was taken away by Belzoni, and is now a principal ornament of the British Museum. Beyond this are the remains of a hall 133 feet broad by 100 feet long, supported by 48 columns, twelve of which are p. 48 thirty-two feet in height and 21 feet in circumference.
On different parts of the columns, and the walls are represented acts of homage by the king to the principal Deities of the Theban Pantheon, and the gracious promises which they make him in return. In another sculpture the two chief Divinities of Egypt invest him with the emblems of military and civil dominion, i.e., the Scimitar, the Scourge and the Pedum. Beneath, the twenty-three sons of Rameses appear in procession, bearing the emblems of their re-spective high offices in the state, their names being inscribed above them. Nine smaller apartments, two of them still preserved, and supported by columns, lay behind the hall. 
On the jambs of the first of these apartments are sculptured Thoth: the Inventor of Letters, and the Goddess Saf, with the title of 'Lady of Letters'; and 'President of the Hall of Books', accompanied the former with an emblem of the sense of sight, and the latter of hearing. There is no doubt that this is the "Sacred Library" which Diodorus describes as the inscribed "Dispensary of the Mind". It had an astronomical ceiling, in which the twelve Egyptian months are represented, with an inscription from which important inferences have been drawn respecting the chronology of the reign of Rameses III.
On the walls is a procession of priests, carrying the Sacred Arts, and in the next apartment, the last that now re-mains, the king is presenting offerings to the various Divinities. (Ancient Egypt by J. Kendrick Bk. I p. 128–131. Report of French Commission). C. Museum and the Library of Alexander were used as a University.
 The Museum and Library of Alexandria were so famous in ancient times, that we wonder why more information concerning this centre of learning, has not come down to us. A few references to authoritative sources might no doubt help to enlighten us on this matter. p. 49 From Sedgwick's and Tyler's History of Science, chapter 5 pages 87–119, we learn that the subjugation of Egypt by Alexander the Great in 330 B.C. had checked the further development of Greek civilization on its native soil.
That after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C., his vast empire was divided among his generals, and that Al-exandria, the new Egyptian capital fell to Ptolemy. That the city, barely ten years old, soon became the centre of the learned world, and that by 300 B.C., the Museum (i.e., the seat of the Muses), was founded, and became a veritable university of Greek learning.
 That to the Museum was attached a great library, with a dining hall and lecture rooms for professors, and this be-came a school of philosophers, mathematicians and astronomers. Here for the next 700 years, science had its chief abiding place.
Here however, it should be remembered that the above statement of Sedgwick and Tyler is misleading, since the Greeks did not carry a civilization of their own to Egypt, but on the contrary found a very highly developed Egyptian culture, the survival of which was maintained by the use of Egyptian Priests and Scholars as teachers. D. A Military Policy of the Greeks to Commandeer Information From the Egyptians was put in operation.
 One of the military policies adopted by the Greek military authorities at Alexandria was the issue of commands to the leading Egyptian Priests for information concerning the Egyptian history, philosophy and religion.
As a custom this is no less ancient than modern, since it is also a custom in modern times for victorious armies to confer with the men of science of an invaded country, in order to discover whether or not, there is anything new in the field of science, which they might possess.
 We would recall how at the end of World War II, the American scientists conferred with the Japanese scientists at Tokio. Accordingly, we are told that Ptolemy I Soter, in p. 50 order to elicit the secrets of Egyptian wisdom or mys-tery system, ordered Manetho, the High Priest of the temple of Isis at Sebennytus in Lower Egypt, to write the philo-sophy, and the history of the religion of the Egyptians.
Accordingly, Manetho published several volumes concerning these respective fields, and Ptolemy issued an order prohibiting the translation of these books which had to be kept on reserve in the Library, for instruction of the Greeks by the Egyptian Priests. Here it becomes quite clear that the first professors of the Alexandrine School were the Egyptian Priests, and that the Scholarchs and pupils of Aristotle's transferred school, received their training directly from the Egyptian Priests. It is also well to note that the chief text books of the Alexandrine School were Manetho's books.
We are told by Apollodorus from whom Syncellus drew his information, that Ptolemy II ordered Eratosthenes, the Cyrenean (i.e., a black man and native of Cyrene) and librarian of the Alexandrine Library, to write a chronology of the Theban Kings, and that Eratosthenes did so with the aid of the Egyptian Hierophants at Thebes (Ancient Egypt by John Kendrick vol. II p. 81; Apollodorus; Syncellus; Clinton, Fasti Hellenici, sub anno).
We are also told that this professor taught not only at the Alexandrine School, but also at that of Constantinople. (John Kendrick's Ancient Egypt Bk. I p. 242; Leeman's Amstelod, 1935 translated by Cory). 3. The Egyptians Were the First to Civilize the Greeks. Greece was first civilized by colonies from Egypt, then from p. 51 [paragraph continues] Phoenicia and Thrace. These were under the government of wise men, who not only subdued the ferocity of an ignorant populace by civil institutions, but also cast about them the strong chain of religion and the fear of the gods.      
The Hieroglyphica of Horapollo, which has been regarded as the best that has come down to modern times. We are also told that this professor taught not only at the Alexandrine School, but also at that of Constantinople. (John Kendrick's Ancient Egypt Bk. I p. 242; Leeman's Amstelod, 1935 translated by Cory). 3. The Egyptians Were the First to Civilize the Greeks. Greece was first civilized by colonies from Egypt, then from p. 51 [paragraph continues] Phoenicia and Thrace. These were under the government of wise men, who not only subdued the ferocity of an ignorant populace by civil institutions, but also cast about them the strong chain of religion and the fear of the gods.
Whatever dogmas they had been taught in their respective countries, concerning things divine and human, they delivered to these newly formed societies, with the object of bringing them under the restraint of virtuous discipline. Phoroneus and Cecrops were Egyptians, Cadmus a Phoenician and Orpheus a Thracian, and each of them, through their colonies carried into Greece the religious and philosophical tenets of his respective country.
 The practice of teaching the doctrines of religion to people under the guise of myths originated from the Egyptians and was adopted by the Phoenicians and Thracians, and subsequently introduced to the Greeks. According to Strabo, it was not possible in ancient times to lead a promiscuous multitude to religion and virtue by philosophical harangues. This could be effected only by the aid of superstition, by prodigies and fables.
The thunder bolt, the aegis, the trident, the spear, torches and snakes were the instruments made use of by the founders of States, to terrify the ignorant and vulgar into subjection. These references must speak for themselves. Cheops and Cecrops were the names which the Greeks used for the Egyptian Khufu, who belonged to the 4th Dynasty of the Egyptians or the pyramid age, i.e., 2800 B.C. (Strabo Bk. I; Brucker's Historia Critica Philosophiae with translation by Wm. Enfield: Bk. II p. 62). 4. Alexander Visits the Oracle of Ammon in the Oasis of Siwah.
No discussion on Alexander's invasion of Egypt would be complete without reference to his famous visit to the Oracle of Ammon, situated in the Oasis of Siwah. Alexander had placed a garrison in Pelusium, whence he marched through p. 52 the desert along the eastern bank of the Nile to Heliopolis where he crossed the river to Memphis, where his fleet had been awaiting him, and where he was welcomed by the Egyptians and crowned as Pharaoh. Having sacrificed to Apis and other Gods, Alexander descended the Nile by the Canopic branch and set out on his journey to the Oracle of Ammon in the Oasis of Siwah.
His route was along the coast of Libya, as far as Paraetonium, whence he marched through the desert to the Oasis of Siwah. What do we suppose was Alexander's motive for visiting the Temple of Ammon? Perhaps a brief description of the religious and economic importance of Heliopolis, Memphis, Thebes and Ammonium might help us to determine what it was.
  In the first place these cities were strongholds of the Egyptian religion, where there were many rich temples, schools and Priests, and therefore were representative of the Egyptian religious life. In the second place these cities were centres of education, and after the Persian invasion, Greek students who travelled to Egypt for the purpose of their education, received their training from the Priests of one or all of these cities, as elsewhere mentioned.
When Pythagoras went to Egypt, he carried a letter of introduction from Polycrates of Samos to King Amasis, who in turn gave him letters of introduction to the Priests of Heliopolis, Memphis, and Thebes. As centres of education, the temples and libraries of these cities contained very valuable books; and in the third place, these regions had previously been captured by the Persians for the very fact of their wealth.
 This should explain why they included these districts in their Satrapy which paid them an enormous annual tribute amounting to 700 talents of gold, together with the produce of the fisheries of Lake Moeris which amounted to a talent a day, during the six months that the water flowed in from the Nile; and a third part of that sum, during the afflux. 
In addition Egypt furnished 120 thousand medicini of corn as rations for the Persian troops who were stationed in the White Fort of Memphis. p. 53 [paragraph continues] The equivalent of this tribute was 170 thousand pounds sterling, and shows the underlying motive not only of the Persian invading armies, but also of all invading armies of antiquity. In the case of Alexander there is no exception. According to history, the Persians were in occupation of Egypt, and Alexander having mustered superior forces, went there and drove them out and took possession himself.
May I ask this question: was this a joke, or was there a motive? And if there was a motive, what else could it have been but that Alexander wanted the wealth in books, gold, silver, ivory, slaves, and tribute which the Persians were extorting from the unfortunate Egyptians? In ancient times, the Oracle of Ammon at Siwah was the most celebrated, and Heliopolis, Memphis and Thebes were representatives of the best of Egyptian culture. (John Kendrick's Ancient Egypt Book II P. 433–435; Diodorus 15, 16. Herodotus Book III P. 124; Diogenes Laertius Book VIII; Timaeus of Plato; Pliny N. H. XXXVI 9; Antiphon recorded by Porphyry). Next: Chapter V: The Pre-Socratic Philosophers and the Teachings Ascribed to Them
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