The Law Of Attraction
Simply put, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. It is believed that regardless of age, nationality or religious belief, we are all susceptible to the laws which govern the Universe, including the Law of Attraction. It is the Law of Attraction which uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality. In basic terms, all thoughts turn into things eventually. If you focus on negative doom and gloom you will remain under that cloud. If you focus on positive thoughts and have goals that you aim to achieve you will find a way to achieve them with massive action. This is why the universe is such an infinitely beautiful place. The Law of Attraction dictates that whatever can be imagined and held in the mind’s eye is achievable if you take action on a plan to get to where you want to be.

To all of you out there in the internet world. We are happy to be able to present to you our new and exciting website called Breaking Chains. We greet you and welcome you to our website. We will be sharing with you life changing experiences, how to attain inner peace and happiness by bringing soul and spirit in harmony with the universe. To begin, let me tell you about this site. It consist of spiritual laws and the practice of spiritual principles, combined with the Art of positive thinking and the power of believing. It has been said, that in order for you to get what you want, you have to vibrate to it. How does this vibration work, you are probably thinking? In order to vibrate to something you must have positive thoughts, if you don't, you won't get what you are striving for. When you are in a positive mind, you vibrate towards what you wish to achieve. If you have any slight negativity, worry or are unsure in the slightest degree, this doubting or negative energy can stop you from accomplishing your task, unless you stop them immediately and focus on positive thoughts. Lets say your looking to get a new car. You visualize that new car coming to you. The only problem is, you have a slight doubt in your mind that you will get it. What happen? Nothing. You won't get it, because you did not vibrate to it. You did not hold the belief that you would get it and did not have a positive attitude about it. The premise here is, that if you aren't sure you want something and you have slight doubts about it, you won't get it, because you are not in vibration to it. The Law of Vibration states, that everything in life moves or vibrates. There is nothing that sits idle, even for a second. Everything in life is in a constant state of motion. Look in a microscope at an atom and you will see protons and electrons moving in a circle around a neutron. No matter what it is, it is energy and energy is in constant motion. Everything that vibrates does so at a certain rate. This rate is known as its frequency, the higher the frequency, the more potent the force will be. Thought is considered the highest form of vibration, therefore it has the highest frequency. Being the highest frequency, it is considered as a powerful force in the universe. To understand the Law of Attraction correctly, and be in more harmony with it, we must understand the Law of Vibration. To make this a little more simple for the moment, lets just put it like this. Those who think positively are in a good state of vibration. Because they are in a good or positive state of vibration, good things will always come to them. They will always attract positive things or personalities, but those thinking negative, would be vibrating negative energy. This is because they dwell on the bad and all that is pessimistic. As such they will vibrate negativity. And because they vibrate negativity, they will attract anything negative in their lives. This means, they will attract trouble, anguish, fear, rage, or whatever negative emotion is available. If you want to control the results you get, you must control what you vibrate to. This means controlling your thoughts, because you only vibrate to the thoughts you have. If you don't get what you want in your life, this is because you are ignorant or doubtful of what you want. Or you are ignorant to the Law of Vibration. We believe, that we can achieve anything that our mind, heart and soul desires, through the signals we send out, the words we speak, our thoughts, expectations, feelings, prayers and meditation. In order to apply these principles, one must understand the law of resonance, along with spiritual laws, how our universe operates and how we are connected to it. The Law of Resonance which is closely interconnected and works in harmony with the Law Of Attraction is the Universal Law which determines precisely what it is, that you will attract into your life, based on the resonance or frequency of the energy that you are projecting. The Cosmic Law of Attraction insists, that all things similar in nature will naturally gravitate to one another and magnetize one another into their field. This applies to all things in the Universe; it also applies to thoughts. Thoughts are energy and they are magnetic to those things with a similar vibration. Like attracts like - So in a nutshell you attract what you think about and what you feel strongly about. However scientifically speaking "If you take two positive magnets towards each other they will actually repel - not attract." So how can this be explained? Rather than using the term the Cosmic Law of Attraction, we might use the term The Law of Resonance. In order to understand this Law its important to first understand, The Law of Vibration, which states that everything in the universe vibrates. Everything is made up of energy and everything has its own vibration frequency. If you want to attract something, you need to be at the same vibrational frequency with that which you want - The Law of Resonance states, that anything that is on the same vibrational frequency, makes itself known to each other, they vibrate on the same frequency. When we send out signals on a certain frequency through our thoughts and emotions, the universe responds to us with anything and everything that resonates with that frequency. Hence we should learn to resonate with what we want, instead of resonating with what we don't want, are doubtful or fearful of, and so on. When we do that, our thoughts and emotions will become reality. You reap what you sow. Once we understand these principles and how they function, we enter into a world of unlimited possibilities, instead of just merely existing. We are aware of the power we possess to create, with the energy that we produce, we create the reality in our lives. If we are successful or not, is often influenced through that which we believe to be true as a reality. In most cases our beliefs have been passed down through generations from our parents, relatives, our culture and society. The environment that we are born in, that which we experience in our lives has a major influence in regards, as to how we think, what we believe in respect of our religious and social views... Feel free to contact us on our website or email us at It is also possible to leave comments on certain pages. We wish you the best! Looking forward to hearing from you soon.