Africa: The Cradle of Humanity
Australopithecus Afarensis
Dinkinesh "Lucy" The Australpithecine
 Australopithecus afarensis (Latin: "Southern ape from Afar") is an extinct hominin that lived between 3.9 and 2.9 million years ago [2] in Africa and possibly Europe.[3][4][5] A. afarensis was slenderly built, like the younger Australopithecus africanus. A. afarensis is thought to be more closely related to the genus Homo (which includes the modern human species Homo sapiens), whether as a direct ancestor or a close relative of an unknown ancestor, than any other known primate from the same time.[6] Some researchers include A. afarensis in the genus Praeanthropus.[7] The most famous fossil is the partial skeleton named Lucy (3.2 million years old) found by Donald Johanson and colleagues, who, in celebration of their find, repeatedly played the Beatles song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds".
Lucy is the common name of AL 288-1, several hundred pieces of bone fossils representing 40 percent of the skeleton of a female of the hominin species Australopithecus afarensis. In Ethiopia, the assembly is also known as Dinkinesh, which means "you are marvelous" in the Amharic language
It is the 23rd of June 1974 A.D. The whole world is quiet in a way that will never be heard again. The peculiarity of this day comes from the fact that on the next day, the hundred year period spent debating the theories of Charles Darwin will finally be resolved. The racist theorists that ‘countered’ Darwin’s monogeneists will forever be silenced by the discovery of several fragmented bones belonging to a small humanoid whose characteristics are between an ape and a human. The specimen’s popular name derived from several hours of parading, celebrating and listening to the recently disbanded Beatle’s record, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band— specifically the track, “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds”.
Her scientific name is AL-288-1. She is of the family Hominidae, the Genus Australopithecus and the Species Australopithecus Afarensis. She is the missing link and physical proof that we developed from a lower form of life. Though she is higher on the tree of life than Chimpanzees, Orangutans and Gorillas—she stands/hunches a few branches below modern man. Lucy was born on the edge of a forest south of modern Afar, in Ethiopia. S
She roamed the plains and forests of North Africa, roughly 3.18 million years ago. There is evidence that she maintained a diet largely omnivorous, and sometimes used simplistic tools. The stress on her spine indicates that she walked upright like her many succeeding generations of children. She was not elderly at the time of her death, and her bones show that she likely died of a degenerative disease—a condition that many of her descendants still suffer and perish from. Her remains have been laid to rest in the Laboratories of the National Museum of Ethiopia in Addis Abada, the country of both her ancestors and her descendants.
Australopithecus  "fossil primate genus" 
 Australopithecus, (Latin: “southern ape”) (genus Australopithecus), group of extinct creatures closely related to, if not actually ancestors of, modern human beings and known from a series of fossils found at numerous sites in eastern, central, and southern Africa. The various species of Australopithecus lived during the Pliocene (5.3 to 2.6 million years ago) and Pleistocene (2.6 million to 11,700 years ago) epochs. As characterized by the fossil evidence, they bore a combination of human- and apelike traits. Like humans, they were bipedal (that is, they walked on two legs), but, like apes, they had small brains. Their canine teeth were small like those of humans, but their cheek teeth were large. The genus name meaning “southern ape” refers to the first fossils found, which were discovered in South Africa. Perhaps the most famous specimen of Australopithecus is “Lucy,” a remarkably preserved fossilized skeleton from Ethiopia that has been dated to 3.2 mya.
 The general term australopith (or australopithecine) is used informally to refer not only to members of the genus Australopithecus but also to other humanlike primates that lived in Africa between 6 and 1.2 mya. Other australopiths include Sahelanthropus tchadensis (7–6 mya), Orrorin tugenensis (6 mya), Ardipithecus kadabba and Ardipithecus ramidus (5.8–4.4 mya), Kenyanthropus platyops (3.5–3.2 mya), and three species of Paranthropus (2.3–1.2 mya). Remains older than 6 million years are widely regarded as those of fossil apes. Undisputed evidence of the genus Homo—the genus that includes modern human beings—does not appear until about 1.8 mya, in the form of Homo ergaster, also called H. erectus (“upright man”). The remains of H. habilis (“handy man”) and H. rudolfensis are between 2.5 and 1.5 million years old, but these are difficult to differentiate from those of Australopithecus, and the identity of some of these remains is debated.
Australopithecus africanus "fossil primate"


 The best-known member of Australopithecus is A. afarensis, discovered in deposits in East Africa and ranging in age from 3.8 to 2.9 million years old. Part of the earliest sample derives from the northern Tanzanian site of Laetoli, where specimens range from 3.8 to 3.5 mya and include footprints preserved in volcanic ash dating to 3.6–3.5 mya. These footprints are remarkably similar to those of modern humans in key details, including a forward-pointing big toe, relatively short lateral toes, and arched feet. The main fossil sample of this species comes from Hadar, a site in the Afar region of Ethiopia. Specimens here include a 40-percent-complete skeleton of an adult female (“Lucy”) and the remains of at least nine adults and four juveniles buried together at the same time (the “First Family”). 
The animal fossils found in association with A. afarensis imply a habitat of woodland with patches of grassland. The morphology of A. afarensis is a mosaic of primitive features and evolutionary developments shared by later hominins. Its skull is primitive in having a crest and a strongly projecting (prognathic) lower face. The brain was about one-third the size of a modern human’s. The dentition is also mostly primitive, with canines that shear against the lower premolars and a gap (diastema) between the upper incisors and canines. There are, however, some dental features in common with later hominins.
In 1925 anthropologist Raymond Dart coined the genus name Australopithecus to identify a child’s skull recovered from mining operations at Taung in South Africa. He called it Australopithecus africanus, meaning “southern ape of Africa.” From then until 1960 almost all that was known about australopiths came from limestone caves in South Africa. The richest source is at Sterkfontein, where Robert Broom and his team collected hundreds of specimens beginning in 1936. At first Broom simply bought fossils, but in 1946 he began excavating, aided by a crew of skillful workers.
Excavation continues to this day. Sterkfontein is one of the richest sources of information about human evolution in the time period between about 3.0 and 2.5 mya. The A. africanus remains of Sterkfontein include skulls, jaws, and numerous skeletal fragments. In 1947 a partial skeleton was unearthed that revealed the humanlike specializations for bipedalism now known to be characteristic of all australopiths. Almost all of the A. africanus remains from Sterkfontein come from a deposit where there is a conspicuous absence of stone tools. An older deposit contains a beautifully preserved skeleton and skull of what might be an early variant of A. africanus.
Another source of A. africanus is at Makapansgat, South Africa, where Dart and his team collected about 40 speci-mens during expeditions from 1947 to 1962. A. africanus is assigned only an approximate geologic age because the only dating method applicable is biostratigraphy. This indirect method compares accompanying animal fossils with those found in other African sites that have been dated more precisely using radiometric methods. The oldest dates are approximately 3.3 mya for hominin specimens (perhaps A. africanus) discovered in the late 1990s at Sterkfontein. Most of the samples of this species are between about 3.0 and perhaps 2.4 million years old. A. africanus resembles A. afarensis in many respects but also shares unique features with early Homo that are not present in the more primitive A. afarensis.
These include reduced facial projection (although there is considerable variation within A. africanus). It also possess-es unique specializations not seen in A. afarensis or in early Homo that are related to powerful chewing, such as ex-pansion of the cheek teeth, increased jaw size, and changes to the skull to accommodate the forces generated. Com-pared with those of A. afarensis, the lower limbs of A. africanus appear to be smaller and the upper limbs larger. Males weighed approximately 41 kg (90 pounds) and stood 138 cm (4 feet 6 inches) tall. Females weighed about 30 kg (66 pounds) and stood 115 cm (3 feet 9 inches) tall. Brain size averages 448 cc (27 cubic inches), closer to modern chimpanzees (395 cc) than to humans (1,350 cc).
Australopithicus 4-1 millions years ago. The six specimens of man: Homo Hablis/ HomoErectus/Grimaldi Man/Chromagnan Man/Neanderthal Man/Homo Sapien Sapien




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