WHO ARE THE WASHITAW (OUACHITA, WICHITA, CHOCTAW, ETOWAH, EUTAW, WASETI plural UAXACTUN / U'AXSHAKTUW, WISSAHICKON, WAH-HANK-TOON or WAH-SHAK-TOON )? 1993 was proclaimed the “International Year of the World’s Indigenous People” by the members states of the United Nations. This lead to the International  Decade of the World’s Indigenous Peoples” (1995-2004). During this time, delegations from around the globe gathered to draft a formal U.N. Declaration on the Rights of  Indigenous Peoples. After many years of collaboration and debate,the United Nations General Assembly adopted this declaration and advanced the recognition of self-determination as a distinct cultural right for  indigenous and tribal people worldwide.  WHO ARE THE WASHITAW (OUACHITA, WICHITA, CHOCTAW, ETOWAH, EUTAW, WASETI plural UAXACTUN / U'AXSHAKTUW, WISSAHICKON, WAH-HANK-TOON or WAH-SHAK-TOON )? 1993 was proclaimed the “International Year of the World’s Indigenous People” by the members states of the United Nations. This lead to the International  Decade of the World’s Indigenous Peoples” (1995-2004). During this time, delegations from around the globe gathered to draft a formal U.N. Declaration on the Rights of  Indigenous Peoples. After many years of collaboration and debate,the United Nations General Assembly adopted this declaration and advanced the recognition of self-determination as a distinct cultural right for  indigenous and tribal people worldwide.  Since 1993, The nations of the Empire Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah have played a vital role in elaborating our position relative to the most important rights of indigenous people: Health and our lands. In 1993, the United Nations Center for Human Rights, recognized the Empire Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Muurs as the Oldest Indigenous group of people on Earth. The registered Project # 215/93 ensued.Thesovereign people of the Emperial Washitaw Nation  ratified the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples at our annual  convention on January 8, 1997. Now President Barack and First Lady Michelle Obama declared their Nationality with Washitaw in 1997, the same year Barack began his Senator term. They removed themselves from the BAR (British Accredited Registry). They are no longer Attorneys. They resigned their BAR to give it back to us, they will lead us into becoming The American Republic, lawfully and peaceably. We are very excited about the new directions of usA policy makers and anticipate the Obama Administration will soon open meaningful dialogues to form the partnerships outlined during the International Decade and address the earnest concerns of ALL indigenous and tribal peoples who remain disenfranchised and unrecognized in our own lands. The rights of indigenous peoples are now clearly documented and recognized. It is up to us to nobly exercise these rights to help each other and the planet (Bro. Umar Shabazz Bey). Bro. J. Blakely-Bey said that the Holy Prophet said, "If the European be just, they would have an Asiatic Vice-President, and if they had an Asiatic President (Obama Hussein Barack), they would have an European Vice-President (Joe Biden) (Note: This also explains the raid on the Empress's property in 2000, to hide the fact of his Washitaw connection...each Washitaw National receives a Certificate of Live  Birth)." Since 1993, The nations of the Empire Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah have played a vital role in elaborating our position relative to the most important rights of indigenous people: Health and our lands. In 1993, the United Nations Center for Human Rights, recognized the Empire Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Muurs as the Oldest Indigenous group of people on Earth. The registered Project # 215/93 ensued.Thesovereign people of the Emperial Washitaw Nation  ratified the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples at our annual  convention on January 8, 1997. Now President Barack and First Lady Michelle Obama declared their Nationality with Washitaw in 1997, the same year Barack began his Senator term. They removed themselves from the BAR (British Accredited Registry). They are no longer Attorneys. They resigned their BAR to give it back to us, they will lead us into becoming The American Republic, lawfully and peaceably. We are very excited about the new directions of usA policy makers and anticipate the Obama Administration will soon open meaningful dialogues to form the partnerships outlined during the International Decade and address the earnest concerns of ALL indigenous and tribal peoples who remain disenfranchised and unrecognized in our own lands. The rights of indigenous peoples are now clearly documented and recognized. It is up to us to nobly exercise these rights to help each other and the planet (Bro. Umar Shabazz Bey). Bro. J. Blakely-Bey said that the Holy Prophet said, "If the European be just, they would have an Asiatic Vice-President, and if they had an Asiatic President (Obama Hussein Barack), they would have an European Vice-President (Joe Biden) (Note: This also explains the raid on the Empress's property in 2000, to hide the fact of his Washitaw connection...each Washitaw National receives a Certificate of Live  Birth)."
 for Allegedly, on January 20, 1928 to February 16, 1928 C.E., Prophet Noble Drew Ali went to the 6th Annual Pan-American-Conference held in Havana, Cuba (Note: The minutes from 6th Annual Pan-American Conference of 1928 are missing? And thus, documentation has yet to be found to verify this as truth or not). Secretary Of State Hughes went down to represent the United States and Noble Drew-Ali went down to represent the Mu’urs (Moors) as Head of a Nation-State. At that conference, the mandate for the landmass of Greater-Amexem [North, Central, and South-Central-Amexem] misnomer as the North, Central, and South “Americas” was returned to the Mu’urs (Moors). Prophet Noble Drew-Ali knew what this meant and what the ramifications of this was and is (read “EXHUMING OF A NATION; THE BIOGRAPHY OF PROPHET NOBLE DREW ALI" by Swift Angel Elihu Pleasant Bey) (Note: Prophet Noble Drew Ali basically knew his lineage and heritage through his Aunt that helped raise him - Dr. Ali Muhammad).” An excerpt from a chapter in “THE MONTAUK BOOK OF THE DEAD” by Peter Moon - The Ali Shuffle states, "In 1928, Ali attended a Pan American conference in Havana Cuba where he enjoyed broad recognition from a host of other countries. They were, of course, recognizing his sovereign status (as a Prince of Washitaw-Tunica and the 5th Royal Regent - Marquis de Maison Rouge), who was representing the ancient empire of Amexem (Al Morroc). The document Drew Ali received was a copy of a mandate whereby the Amexem (Moroccan) Empire extended a land grant of the entire Western Hemisphere to certain Europeans. Essentially, it "leased" America to a certain party for a particular number of years, not unlike the way China leased Hong Kong to Great Britain. The lease was up in 2004. According to Abdullah El Talib Mosi Bey, “The United States Of America Corporation is the Administering Authority of our Moorish Territories which are in the category of Trust Territories under mandate of the United Nations. The United Nations will terminate the United States of America’s Mandate over our Moorish Territories and Great Seal Federal Republic Government once we regain a full measure of self-government (sovereign capacity). The United Nations International Decade of the World’s Indigenous Peoples (1995 – 2004) is the window period that the United Nations have set to terminate all Mandates of territories currently administered as Trust Territories, thereby, eliminating Colonialism and enslavement of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. By international and national law, the United States of America corporation is obligated to honor and respect the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1787 A.D. – Article VI of the Constitution of the United States of America makes the Treaty of Peace and Friendship the Supreme Law of the Land that govern all matters of Inter-change, Commerce and Law between the Moors and the Foreign European Christians” (read: "THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION ON HUMAN RIGHTS" [Dec. 10, 1948]), "THE COVENANT ON THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS NATIONS" [initiated on July 28, 1994]),” "UNITED NATIONS DECLARATION ON THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES" (passed September 7 and adopted September 13 2007), "INTER-AMERICAN DECLARATION ON THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLE [1995]," "CHARTER XI (DECLARATION regarding Non-Self-Governing Territories), CHAPTER XII (International Trusteeship System) and CHAPTER XIII (The Trusteeship Council) and etc…



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