
Welcome to Breaking Chains where yokes are broken and captives are set free. Where understanding's the sight wherewith the blinded see. Where the doors of bondage are opened wide, to free the minds of those held inside. Where the gates of captivity have been torn down. Where Knowledge is King and Wisdom is profound. Where the mind expands and comprehends with ease. Where Love is the cure for every disease. 

Brothers and Sister after careful consideration and detailed analytical and sociological examination. My advice to you first and foremost is to be encouraged and to walk worthy of the calling where with you have been called. For we must rise up and cross over this Jordan. For we have one more river to cross. It is our freedom from oppression, our breakthrough and deliverance, after a long season of adversity and waiting.

So let us come together and fellowship in unity, and bond in peace. Let us be of one accord and one mind. As brothers, sisters, as family and fellow members of "Breaking Chains".

Let us stay focused on our objectives and remember that we have been called to break the chains of captivity,  deception, of preconceived ideals and fabricated realities of the truth. 

But now! Having awaken, out of that sleep;an unconscious state, let us re-examine and re-evaluate our ideals, principles, morals and social values, our beliefs and the truths that we hold to be a reality. Let us walk upright as men and women, having understanding, using discretion and discernment, exercising and exhorting knowledge and wisdom, but eluding and excoriating all forms of fictitious doctrines and teachings.

Let us not give into unhealthy and distorted thinking and behavior. Let us avoid those whose walk is not according to the wisdom of the truth, whose evil intent it is to dim your ever shining brighter light, which illuminates the realm of darkness which they are in. They approach it to challenge its truth and foundation, in some estranged hope?

Only to discover that darkness can not contain light without losing it's self and that kindness should not be misconceived as weakness. Again let us walk in maturity. Let us walk upright. Let us not indulge in useless, and unproductive conversations, discussions, profanity or vulgar expressions. Having rejected and put aside vengeance, bitterness, malice and hate.

Let us be examples of what is good, and a blessing to those who hear our good conversation and take notice of our good conduct. Having undressed ourselves of false pride, let dignity and integrity remain. Being clothed with humility, let us be kind towards one another walking in truth and in love, for only love can conquer hate. Let us be found worthy of honor before our Creator and men. Avant Guard KJ/ AKA Wisdom "Do The Walk"

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