The Grimaldi Man
His prehistoric name is called the Grimaldi man. He left Africa 40, 000 years ago and went to Europe. Between 40,000-20,000 years ago the Grimaldi man left Africa to go to Europe at a time what is called the final or last Glaciation. The climate in europe was extremely cold, it was much colder than it is now, and during this period of some 20, 000 years he under went adaptation of what we know as White man. It is very clear to all of the scientist involved in this field, even if they are only able to say it within themselves and unable to to say it publicly that the man that we know conventionally to be the white man evolved from a black man over a period of some 20, 000 years of adaptation to a different climate, and if we are to day with any serenity resting totally on scientific data that is the conclusion that we must come to. If the Grimaldi man had never left Africa to people other parts of the world and if those people in other parts of the world not through the process of adaptation became what they are in various regions of the world all man would be Homo genius all men would be black. If that man had not left Africa the rest of the world would have remained a desert and would have never been peopled. And so to answer precisely the question. The answer is the first man was black and it was he who gave birth to other races of the world.






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