Stand Your Ground
I don’t care what color the ancient Egyptians were, but then again, I’m not an Afrocentrist. But if one day in the distant future after a series of debilitating strokes I were to become an Afrocentrist, it would be necessary for me to picture the ancient Egyptians as black. I’ll explain why in a minute.

I'm sure you would disagree. It is true though "Just because the truth is ignored it still remains a fact" The math of the of modern anthropologist and the found ancient fossils and history clearly show and prove that ancient Egyptians were not white. So that you " .. don’t care what color the ancient Egyptians were.." is clear also. In your position, I would be careful what comes out my mouth, in order not to be classified as a racist or chauvinist. If a person is interested in having historical correct knowledge and facts, must he or she be classified as a Afrocentrist? And as far as your " a minute;;. " is concerned, don't attempt to contaminate me.
Avant guard KJ/AKAWisdom "Do The Walk"

Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor, it must be demanded by the oppressed

I may not always  agree with the things you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

Break Every Chain



I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free